Gabriella Murtagh, One-to-One Coaching Client

Case Study

One-to-One Coaching Client, Gabriella Murtagh, shares her experience of Central’s training and how she applies her newly learnt skills to her current role within the Tech Industry.

My name is Gabriella, I’ve been working in tech in a client-facing role for five years. Previous to that I have also been a language teacher and tutor. Over the years I have presented at corporate events, marketing trade shows and internally to my colleagues. I always struggled with nerves especially when I was presenting in Spanish (my second language) but managed to get better with practice. Since the pandemic, I’ve spent almost two years behind a computer screen in my home with very little in-person communication and I felt like I had gone back to square one. 

I heard about Central’s short courses on Instagram. I saw that they help businesses and individuals improve their communication and presenting skills. I signed up for five sessions of two hours over the course of a few months and was so impressed. 

I’ve been to many corporate training programmes in the past and although they’ve all been useful in different ways, this experience taught me a whole new set of practical skills to draw upon. For instance, I now understand the importance of preparing the body, vocal projection, pitch, pace, breath work and posture. We studied some of the most influential speakers in the world and examined how they stood, walked and spoke. Then through a range of activities we put theory into practice! 

Emmy, is a fantastic vocal coach, she made me feel comfortable from day one and took the time to explain the concepts she was teaching me and why they were relevant. She helped me understand how the mind affects the body and vice versa, and I saw a huge improvement by the end of my classes. I now know how to calm my body, focus my mind and engage an audience. 

If you have to do any kind of public speaking in your role, be it in-person to thousands of people or simply running a weekly meeting on zoom, I highly recommend this course to help you become the most engaging and confident version of yourself!