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Blog posts

  1. Blog category
    •  Info & Advice

    Female Leaders - Take Centre Stage

    To mark International Women’s Day we spoke to our expert Voice & Communication Coach, Debra Leigh, to find out how women can use voice and body language to enhance status, impact and rapport.

    Debra Leigh
  2. Blog category
    •  Info & Advice

    North Block Building

    Central’s new North Block open its doors.

    Central's North Block building
  3. Blog category
    •  Info & Advice

    Building gender equality in Musical Theatre

    How Central’s Musical Theatre programme is working to create more opportunities for women as musical directors and pit players.

    Wendy Gadian
  4. Blog category
    •  Info & Advice

    Why You Need a Creative Voice to Be Heard

    Whether you’re talking to a colleague at work, addressing a group in a meeting or delivering a presentation to a large audience, you want your message to be heard. But how can you ensure your audience will actually listen to you?

    Three people in conversation, standing in room with curtain in background
  5. Blog category
    •  Info & Advice

    International Auditions and Interviews - USA 2018

    Central will be conducting auditions and interviews in the USA for its bachelors and master's programmes.

    Students performing on stage
  6. Blog category
    •  Info & Advice

    Video and Projection Design at Central

    Video and Projection Design opportunities are wide ranging during studies at Central and have led to our alumni becoming leading figures in the use of video and projection design.

    Video projection on stage and student
  7. Blog category
    •  Info & Advice

    What is a Stage Manager?

    Course Leader Peter Maccoy explains what a Stage Manager does and career opportunities

    Student from the Stage Management course at a soundboard
  8. Blog category
    •  Info & Advice

    What is a Costume Designer?

    Caroline Townsend, Costume Construction Course Leader discusses the difference between a costume maker and designer.

    Close up of the detail of a period costume