Portrait of a brunette looking at the camera
MA Applied Theatre student, Alicia Clarke

Today we are speaking with Alicia Clarke, a current student on the Applied Theatre, MA course about her placement with Outward Housing.

How did you get involved with working with Outward Housing?

This work experience is part of my training on the Applied Theatre, MA course, so I was connected with Outward Housing through the Central placements team. 

Outward Housing supports people with learning disabilities, people on the autism spectrum, older people and young people at risk in their homes, in the community and through supported holidays and respite. They are passionate about helping people develop independence and meet their personal goals and aspirations, overcoming any barriers they may face.

What have you been getting up to?

On my placement, I have been working with my course colleague, Zhilling Guo, devising a play with non-verbal adults on the Autistic spectrum at Outward Housing, working with Hub Club, their drop in centre in Hackney. 

I’ve also been professionally performing in verbatim theatre, which relates back to issues discussed on the MA. Its really important to me that the course benefits my professional practice outside of university.

What made you want to get involved?

Social inequality makes me angry and I want to use my passion for the theatre in a positive way.

Actors, both standing and in wheelchairs, working on a project
MA Applied Theatre student, Alicia Clarke, working with workshop participants. Photo Credit: Outward Housing

What else are you working on?

In addition to my work at the Outward Housing project, I’ve just completed an Assistant Director placement on an Over 50’s group at the Arcola Theatre

I’m also about to start a placement with womens’ prison theatre specialists Clean Break.

Four actors, sitting in chairs or a wheelchair, working on a project
MA Applied Theatre student, Alicia Clarke, working with workshop participants. Photo Credit: Outward Housing

How is this placement related to your course work?

My work at Outward Housing has provided me with an opportunity to put into practice some of the theory I have been studying. In particular, I’ve been using theatre to combat social exclusion, which is the module I’ve been completing this term. 

What has surprised you most about your experience?

How much I bonded with the participants, and how much fun we had!

Actors, both standing and in wheelchairs, working on a project
MA Applied Theatre student, Alicia Clarke, working with workshop participants. Photo Credit: Outward Housing

How did you find out about Central and decide to study with us?

I knew about Central because of it’s world reputation. I was specifically interested in the Applied Theatre, MA course because of the placements available as a part of the curriculum.

What are you planning to do after graduation?

I would like to continue to act professionally, and also start my own theatre company to produce socially engaged work. I’m particularly interested in combating violence against women, conservation and climate change.

Keep up to date with Alicia’s work by following her on Instagram @clarke_cici, on Twitter @alicia_clarke_ or by visiting her Spotlight page.

Visit the Outward Housing website if you are interested in learning more about their organisation or volunteering opportunities.

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