Portrait of a person with brown hair and facial hair looking directly at the camera
Portrait of Ethan Olswang, current Advanced Theatre Practice MFA student

Today we are speaking with Ethan Olswang, a current student on the Advanced Theatre Practice MFA about his play.

Can you tell us about your current project?

I have been working on an original piece of writing called My Friend, Hershel Fink (or The Golem of London). This is a semi-autobiographical play about how antisemitism affects the mental health of Jewish students and how perception of Jewish identity (by myself and others) affects encounters within the British queer community.

A pink background with a cropped face of a pig at the bottom of the frame, promoting My Friend, Hershel Fink (or The Golem of London)
Show Poster for the first engagement of My Friend, Hershel Fink (or The Golem of London) at Canal Cafe Theatre

Did you get involved with writing this play through Central?

This play is being produced as a part of my course work. It’s actually forming my Sustained Independent Project (SIP). I am even working with Central students from other courses on this project. The show is designed by current MFA Scenography student Carly Altberg and I have cast Anna-Fay Jackson, BA (Hons) Acting Musical Theatre for the production.

I’m very excited that it will be produced at two venues during Camden Fringe performing arts festival this summer!

If you are in London, you can catch My Friend, Hershel Fink (or The Golem of London) at The Canal Cafe Theatre  from 19-21 May and 11-14 August, and Upstairs At The Gatehouse from 23-28 August.

What made you want to get involved?

Funny you ask. Upon moving to London and starting my masters, I started to encounter a lack of understanding about Jewish identity, culture and history. This of course led to some stomach-churning experiences. These types of incidents (racism, microaggressions) plague all universities and corners of British society. I knew I had to write about it - it was the only thing I could do. I will say the Central has done a lot to enact change in order to repair the curriculum and community. And as we all know, education is an ongoing process amongst a changing landscape.

Three people standing on a bridge, posing for the camera with a toy pig
The cast of My Friend, Hershel Fink (or The Golem of London): Tommy Bain, Anna-Fay Jackson (BA Acting, Music Theatre 2022), Jake Samson (L-R)

What have you been getting up to?

We’re currently in rehearsals! This is my directorial debut and I couldn’t have asked for a better cast. They continue to impress me with the offers and choices they bring forth in rehearsals.

Two actors working on a scene, with one pointing at the other
Rehearsal images of My Friend, Hershel Fink (or The Golem of London): Tommy Bain and Jake Samson (L-R)

How is this placement related to your course work?

In a way, this project is a continuation of the practices I developed in the first year of my time on the Advanced Theatre Practice MFA course. During the previous academic year, I explored and researched the importance of care for collaborators. How do we establish and then maintain an environment where everyone is supported: makers, participants and observers? Directing a play isn’t just about interpreting the words in a script, it’s about facilitating a space where company members feel welcomed to openly communicate and express their ideas.

What has surprised you most about your experience?

My ability to find success as someone with ADHD. Growing up, I always struggled with grades, organization and time management. But here we are, putting on a performance about something serious, something worthwhile. It’s nice to have the opportunity to tell a story, make bold choices and be proud of my work at the end of the day. I was anxious going into this project because of my past academic performance, yet I am only exceeding my expectations for myself.

Two actors on stage rehearing a scene while they are sitting down
Rehearsal images of My Friend, Hershel Fink (or The Golem of London): Tommy Bain and Anna-Fay Jackson (L-R)

How did you find out about Central and decide to study with us?

I wanted to further my studies so I could become a well-rounded theatre maker. I had just finished my undergrad in theatre design and wanted to focus more on writing and directing. After researching masters programs, the Advanced Theatre Practice MFA course at Central seemed like the best fit.

What are you planning to do after graduation?

I would like to stay in the UK. In addition to writing, I would love to start directing/assistant directing plays. I guess I had better start reaching out to industry professionals!

Keep up to date with My Friend, Hershel Fink (or The Golem of London) by following the pages on Instagram @hershelfink or Twitter @Hershel_Fink.

The Camden Fringe is a performing arts festival, established in 2006, which takes place in Camden during August. Visit the Camden Fringe website for more information.

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