Photograph of Kaysha Woollery, a young Black woman with short hair, smiling at the camera
Photograph of Kaysha Woollery

As part of Central’s Big Give Christmas Challenge, we’re speaking to students and alumni who have received Scholarships and Bursaries whilst studying at Central, to showcase the impact that these can have on them, and their future careers. 

Kaysha Woollery graduated from MA Acting - Classical in 2019, she talks with us about her recent projects, and honing her skills in the pandemic. 

Can you tell us a bit about what you’ve been recently been working on?

I completed my first TV role on an Amazon Prime Series, The Girlfriend Experience, last year. I’ve also recently shot a short independent film, Apocryphalthis summer. As a lot of down-time has been created by the pandemic, I am using this to attend workshops, hone my skills, and meet as many casting directors as I can.

How did you get involved with Apocryphal?

It was written, produced, and directed by some university friends who I know create some fantastic work. It was great to reconnect with them, and was also a good opportunity to learn more about film sets, and how the process of making the work differs from rehearsing for a play. 

What does a typical working day look like for you at the moment?

I’m currently also a Teaching Assistant for SEN students, so I have been getting very involved in the school and learning a lot about our education system. My evenings are spent shooting self-tapes, (as I am lucky to be getting lots of auditions at the moment), contacting casting directors, and looking for what workshops I can do to boost my chances of being cast.

What made you want to study at Central?

Honestly, it was the School’s reputation for churning out big stars! It gave me a lot of trust in the training being top quality.

What impact did your training have on you and your career today?

It’s given me a great training foundation to continue to improve my skills and taught me effective self-discipline and time-management. It has also opened doors for me professionally, as I would not have met my agent had I not trained.

You received a scholarship whilst you were at Central, what impact did this have on you and your studies?

It meant I was able to accept a place on the course without my experience being plagued by worries about how my life was going to be affected by debt, both during and after the course.

What would you say to those thinking of donating funds for scholarships or bursary for Central’s students?

Please do, without my scholarship, I wouldn’t have been able to go to Central. Your donations help people who have a lot to offer the industry, but might not have access to the funds.

What advice would you have for those hoping to follow in your footsteps in the industry?

Be prepared to work your tail off!

Central’s Big Give Christmas Challenge raises vital funds for Scholarships and Bursaries for our students.

Find out more about our MA Acting - Classical course. 

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