Confirmation and Registration


Below are some links to general information and advice on the confirmation and registration process for postgraduate courses at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

If you read the information below but still have questions, please feel free to contact us:


Confirmation is the process by which universities ‘confirm’ that undergraduate students who are waiting on exam or qualification results have met any conditions of their offer.

For UK students, many exam boards will confirm results with universities via UCAS. This information is shared under embargo so that we can process your confirmation in time for results day. Please note that Central staff will be unable to discuss your offer with you during the embargo period.

Please also note that we are unable to confirm some exam boards this way, such as overseas qualifications.

For those we are unable to confirm directly, we will contact the offer-holder to provide proof of their qualifications, such as certificates or transcripts, in order that we can confirm your offer. This doesn’t affect your place and your offer remains open until we can confirm it.


Once your offer has been confirmed, you are ready to begin the registration process. You will receive information via email from our Registration Team - usually towards the end of August or beginning of September - regarding the next steps.

There are several stages, each with their own steps that we will take you through, such as:

  • Academic registration
  • Financial registration
  • Setting up your IT account
  • Induction week events

Don’t worry if this means nothing to you at this point - all will become clear!

Please note that as we invite people to register on a rolling basis, you may not receive the email at the same time as your classmates, so don’t worry. If you are concerned, feel free to email (email only used for students who are expecting to register at Central).