Benjamin Peterson



2019 - 2021Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, MFA Movement Directing and Teaching
2007 - 2011Columbia College Chicago, BA Acting
2012 - 2014Rose Bruford College, MA Ensemble Theatre

Movement Experience whilst on the MFA Movement: Directing and Teaching

2020.  Movement director. The Government Inspector. Directed by Anna Healey.

Professional Experience

2019. Assistant director. Refuge. Baruch Performing Arts Center. Blessed Unrest Theater Co. and Teatri Oda. Directed by Jessica Burr and Florent Mehmedi.

2018. Assistant director. This Is Modern Art. New York Theater Workshop. Blessed Unrest Theater Co. Directed by Jessica Burr.

2018. Assistant director. Platonov. Blessed Unrest Theatre Co. Directed by Jessica Burr.

2017. Assistant director. The Snow Queen. Blessed Unrest Theatre Co. Directed by Jessica Burr.

2015. Artistic Associate. Letter of Marque Theater Co.

2012 - Present. Freelance fight director and intimacy coordinator.


Ben is a director, teacher, and fight director. He has trained extensively in martial arts and fencing and is an instructor of Northern Chinese Gung Fu. He has an eclectic background in physical theatre, especially Grotowski technique as a student of Steve Wangh and Erica Fae. Ben has worked across many mediums within the performing arts but his passion is always grounded in ensemble-led theatre that is innovative, audacious, and adversarial.  


Directing, Devising Physical Theatre, Gung Fu, Western Fencing, Systema, Martial Arts Choreography, Staging Intimacy and Contemporary Violence, Physical Conditioning and Tactical Fitness, Grotowski Training, Physical Comedy, Research