Students' Union

Student's Union

Student Union officers

When you accept a place at Central, you automatically become a member of Central Students’ Union which means you have access to all we have to offer.

The work of the Students’ Union is focused around these key areas:

Representing our members

The President and various officers spend a lot of their time sitting on different boards and committees within the University to make sure that Central is making decisions with our member’s best interests in mind and to speak on their behalf when necessary. Where possible we strive to communicate the outcomes of these meetings to our members and find out what is important to them in the first place.

All our members are also part of National Union of Students (NUS) and NUS London. We work with these organisations to ensure that you are well represented through various conferences and attend their training events to ensure we are working at our best for our members.


We have part-time officers dedicated to supporting students from different communities and running the campaigns they would like to see on campus.

These officers are:

  • Black and Ethnic Minority Officer - To support and represent black and ethnic minority students
  • Dyslexia and Disability Officer – To support and represent dyslexic and disabled students
  • LGBT+ Officer - To support and represent the needs and interests of LGBT+ Students
  • International – To support and represent international students
  • *Trans - To support and represent the needs and interests of Trans Students
  • Women’s Officer – To support and represent women students

All our liberation groups work on the basis of self-definition. This means our members are free to decide which liberation groups they identify with and have the right to be respected for that identity and not have it questioned. Equality and Diversity is at the heart of everything we do at Central SU and we are committed to making sure that everyone can enjoy their time here.


We take the welfare of our students very seriously and are happy to help and support you where possible.

Occasionally students may find themselves in a position where they want to make an academic appeal, file a complaint to the university or face disciplinary action from the university. Whilst this is very rare, we understand that navigating procedures can be complex and stressful and we are here to support any student going through these processes.
We offer sexual health information and resources, and have links to the Marlborough Sexual Health Clinic.
We have a wealth of information about organisations that we can signpost for you if the welfare support you need is something we cannot provide. Central also has its own services such as the Student Advice Service (SAS) with a Counselling Referral Service. If the support you need is just someone to talk to we are always happy to listen.

Social Life

Central SU also hosts a number of events and entertainments for our members to enjoy alongside their studies. This kicks off in late September with various events for Central Welcome week to welcome you to Central SU and to get a chance to engage and meet many people online you will be spending your time with whilst you are here.

We also have a bar on campus which is open on weekdays from 5pm – 11pm to all of our members. We also host events throughout the year in the bar, our favourite being Bamageddon at the end of each term to celebrate all your hard work.

To end the academic year, your entertainments officers organise a summer ball which is a great opportunity for us to say goodbye to the members who will be graduating and celebrate the year.

We also encourage our members to get involved in activities and societies that SU members run. Each year members can decide which activities and societies they would like to run with the support of SU officers. Examples we have had in the past are Christian society, Dance society, Football society, Netball Society, LGBTQ+ Society, Comedy society, classes and much more.  

SU Officers

All SU Officers are elected by Central SU members through elections. These typically take place at the end of third term, ready for the team to start in the new academic year, with a by-election held for the role of Vice President (Postgrad) and any unfilled spaces in the first term of the new academic year. You can visit our website for information on which roles are currently filled. Below is a list of all the officer positions we have.

  • President
  • Vice-President (Postgrad)
  • Vice-President (Acting)
  • Vice-President CPP (Contemporary Performance Practice)
  • Vice-President TP (Theatre Practice)
  • Activities Officer
  • Black and Ethnic Minorities Officer
  • Campaigns Officer
  • Dyslexia and Disabilities Officer
  • Entertainments Officer
  • Environments Officer
  • International Officer
  • LGBT+ Officer
  • *Trans Officer
  • Welfare Officer
  • Women’s Officer


020 7559 3944

Twitter: @CentralSU

Facebook: Central Students’ Union

Instagram: @central_su